Whats Included

It’s simple! We provide pre-installed WordPress blogs that include The following:

– User-friendly and powerful wordpress dashboard
– Automatic updates set
– Weekly backups
– Preinstalled, customizable plugins for security, contact forms, photo albums, and more.
– Easily customized templates, which we will set up for you to get you going, or you may install one of your own choosing
– Absolutely no ads (although you can monetize if you choose*!)
– Unlimited bandwidth and 2GB of webspace/storage
– Publish or schedule posts, and password-protect them if you prefer!
– Several domain names to choose from! [example: http://you.authblog.com]
– Your own @ email with POP3, IMAP, and webmail access on the domain you choose to use. [example: you@authblog.com]